Energy Management

         Smart Electricity Monitoring System (EM-SELMS-WM-SR) (PM-SELMS-WM-LR)

This Energy Meter communicates with the Smart communication manager console with Gateway through RS485 communication


DG KWH | EB KWH | KW | KVAH KVA | Frequency | Power Factor AVG Current-C1 | Current-C2 Current-C3 | Voltage-V1 Voltage-V2 Voltage-V3

     Smart DG Monitoring System (FS-SDGMS-WM-SR) (FS-SDGMS-WM-LR

Status Monitoring (PM-S8CSM-WM-SR) (PM-S8CSM-WM-LR)

This module communicates with the Smart communication manager console with Gateway through Wireless communication.

This module communicates with the Smart communication manager console

With Gateway through wireless communication.  This module helps in monitoring

       The Running Hours.




Fuel filled in litres

Fuel consumed in Litres

Generator status off/on

Running Hours

Running Hours Monitoring (PM-SRHMS-WM-SR) (PM-SRHMS-WM-LR)

This module communicates with the Smart communication manager console with Gateway through wireless communication. This module helps in monitoring the Running Hours.




·    Measures Equipment Running hours with respect to load

·    \Measures required parameter

 ·    Monitors Coffee Grinder (Qty of coffee Powder grounded)

 ·    Monitors Dialysis Equipment (No of dialysis Performed)

 ·    Monitors Air coolers running time this module helps in monitoring the Running Hours.